On a highway in the remote countryside, a young girl named Lina is surrounded by bandits. She chuckles herself, knowing that they are no match for her sorcery and skills with the sword. But before she can even draw her weapon, a brash young swordsman, Gourry, appears and scatters the bandits with his remarkable swordsmanship, causing them to drop their trove of stolen goods. Gourry is disappointed upon realizing that Lina is just merely a girl and not a beautiful maiden, nertheless, the two set off together.
Reaching the nearest town, Lina attempts to sell the bandits' loot at an inflated price and incurs the wrath of a local dealer, Saltandis, who vows to take the treasure by force. His chance to steal the treasure arises when Lina becomes ill and looses her powers of sorcery. Gourry and Lina are cornered by Saltandis' evil soldiers. They are rescued at the last minute by Rezo, the Red Monk. Rezo is one of the legendary "Five Sages."
From Rezo, Gourry and Lina learn that Saltandis is much more than what he seems. He is attempting to revive an ancient evil power known as Satan Shabrani-Goodoo! The power of his ancient necromancer is enormous.
Can Lina and Gourry stop the reign of evil an protect the people of their realm? Don't miss even one exciting episode of THE Slayers!
- Episode 53 - 65
- Episode 53: TRIUMPHANT? LET'S SET SAIL FOR NEW FRONTIER!The world in which Lina and others live in had been blocked with the evil barrier from outside world ever since the evil war from a thousand years ago. However, the barrier is removed now that Lina has beaten Fiblizo, and the kings decide to send diplomats to outside world. Lina receives a letter from Ophelia. Lina and Gourry go to a harbor where the diplomats are leaving from, and meet with Zelgadis. He was about to leave to look for the means to regain his human body. Ophelia appears to tell Lina and others that she will test their strength. Gourry tucks up her skirt by accident. She gets upset, beats him up, and runs away. The next day, Lina and others learn that Phil is in charge of the diplomats. Ophelia appears again to test them. She turns into a golden dragon and attacks them. They get together with Amelia and move to the ocean so it'll be easier for them to fight. Lina beats her with Drag Slay(Ophelia gets away, but they don't know). They have accidentally destroyed the harbor and rudder by the battle. Now they can't go back, so they set off to a journey..Episode 54: DOUBTFUL? A LETTER FROM HOME.It's been seven days since Lina's party set off to a journey, and they are laying on the deck from hunger. They find a land and rush in there. There they see the Lizardmen, directed by Grabos and Zilas, robbing the town. Lina's party directs their irritation from hunger to them. Grabos gets surprised to see Gourry's Sward of Light, which his master Valgave has been looking for. Zilas uses bombs, but no match for Lina's party. After being treated food by the townies, Lina's party sees the golden dragon, which they thought they had beaten. They go after it. The dragon turns back into Ophelia. She tells them she is a princess at the Fire Dragon Lord's castle, and asks them a surprising favor to save the world crisis. Her Dragon tribe received an oracle about the approaching world crisis and started looking for powerful humans. Lina and others were chosen because their first candidate did not take the offer. Learning she was the second choice, Lina gets mad. When she finds out though the first candidate was her own sister whom she's afraid of, she heads to the Fire Dragon Lord's castle. On the other hand, Grabos reports to Valgave about the Sward of Light. Valgave orders him to look for another weapon and tells him he'll take care of Lina and the Sward.. There is also a mysterious figure who stands by Valgave..Episode 55: WHERE ON THE EARTH IS THAT SHAMELESS GUY?Lina's party heads to Fire Dragon Lord's castle. It is so peaceful in town, and there is no sign of a world crisis approaching. Ophelia insists the oracle is true, but Lina and others go out to do their own things. On the other hand, Grabos and monsters attack a village in a desert. They are after the legendary sward in the village. There is also a man who watches it from a distance. In the town, Amelia and Zelgadis are puzzled by the townies' extreme reaction to their magic. That was set up by the man from the desert. Ophelia tells Lina and others that magic is unusual outside of their world, and shy Zelgadis drags them out of the town. Lina is surprised to see the man from the desert, who is Zerros. He invites her party to the desert. While Ophelia is shocked to learn he is a monster, Valgave appears to attack Lina, who beat his master, Garp.Episode 56: RUNNING AMOCK! IS IT A REVENGE MATCH?Valgave attacks Lina's party with strong magic. Zerros appears to help them. Suddenly, an earthquake strikes when Grabos tries to pull out the holy sward at a giant cave in a village in the desert. When he lets go, the earthquake stops. Valgave escapes, and Zerros tells Lina and others that Valgave is after Lina's life, Sward of Light, and a weapon, equally powerful as the Sward of Light. He tells them that the monsters are attacking the village in the desert, and they rush there. Valgave waylays them, lets Grabos pull the sward, and releases a giant sand snake. He attacks them with a weapon, which resembles the Sward of Light. When his ward and the Sward of Light meet, the dimension is distorted, and a mysterious man, Armeis, appears to tell Valgave to retreat. Lina and others use attacking magic on them, but they do not work on him at all. Valgave and Armeis leave, leaving anxious Lina who senses the next battle..Episode 57: CRAZY RUMOR! NO SMOKE COMES OUT WITHOUT FIRE.Ophelia from a Dragon tribe and Zerros from an Evil tribe do not get along. They fight over trifles all the time. Lina's party stops at a town for a famous pot dish. Ophelia, who wants to hurry, asks them which is more important, a world crisis, or, the pot dish. Lina says, the pot dish, and upsets her. Ophelia jumps out of the restaurant with all of their money, and Lina and others follow... without paying the bill.. Ophelia is surrounded by male villagers at a park. They tell her, dragons are not allowed in town. Grabos tipped them off on her, trying to take her hostage, so he can get the Sward of Light. Ophelia is taken to a court. Lina and others rush in, without knowing it is a trap. They are surrounded by Grabos' Lizardmen and the townies who are afraid of sorcerers. Ophelia feels responsible for what happened and gets depressed. However, a Zerros' accusation makes her angry, and she turns into a dragon and destroys everything. Lina comforts Ophelia and makes a supporting comment on what Zerros did for them. However, when she finds out Zerros knew that dragons were not allowed in town beforehand, Ophelia turns into a dragon again and goes out of control.Episode 58: ROLLING AND WANDERING! STOP THE RUNNING SHRINE!Lina's party finds the Fire Dragon Lord's castle at the horizon. However, no matter how far they walk, they can't reach it. They get tired and stop by a town, located at a part of the Sealed Remains. Grabos and Zilas plan to put them to sleep and steal the Sward of Light, but Ophelia takes all of their sleeping pills and falls asleep by herself. Around midnight, Lina's party goes out to search the remains to look for a secret to bring back a human body to Zelgadis. They find difficult letters by the Dragon tribe and wake up Ophelia to translate them. She is stunned to learn they are in the Dragon tribe's transportation which moves by the power of magic and her bracelet. While Lina and others are stunned, Grabos and Zilas appear. They have to fight them bare-handed because their magical power has been all absorbed by the remains. They still beat them though. The remains get out of control because it's absorbed Lina and others' tremendous magical power. They try to destroy the tank which keeps the magical power, but they can't break it. They are approaching the castle. Grabos and Zilas appear again to attack them with bombs. Lina succeeds in breaking the tank with their bomb, but the remains do not stop. She uses "Drag Slay," but the remains hit the castle..Episode 59: TRUCE OR TRANSMISSION? FIND DRAGON'S SACRED SHRINE.The Fire Dragon Lord's castle has been destroyed. Old heads of Gold Dragons come, flying, but they do not punish them. They take Lina's party to a gorgeous dinner. Ophelia tells them Lina and others can do more than what they have. On the other hand, Valgave and Armeis are arguing. They had a coalition for their common purpose. Valgave wanted Lina's life, and Armeis wanted the five weapons, which were created by the Dark Star. Since they lost the reason for the coalition, they go their own ways. Back at the castle, Lina is ordered to rebuild the castle. She builds a strange-looking castle with young Gold Dragon men. The old heads let her do it to judge her character, but Zelgadis opposed their indirect way of doing things. They tell Lina that they will take a chance with her even though they are not sure if she is good enough for the mission, which offends her. Suddenly, Armeis appears with a weapon..Episode 60: All SET! THE OPERATION HAS BEGUN!Armeis tells Lina's party that he came from another world to get the Sward of Light, so he can bring the Saturn, Dark Star to the world. The old head tells him to bring the Saturn to another world in exchange for the Sward of Light, and Armeis agrees. The old head seals Lina and other's magic and forcefully takes the Sward of Light away from them. On the other hand, Valgave senses Armeis' betrayal and warps to the Fire Dragon Lord's castle. He is actually one of the survivors of Ancient Dragon tribe, which was perished by the Gold Dragons. When he was about to die, the evil Dragon Lord, Garp, saved him and made him his loyal servant. When Valgave gets there and start accusing Armeis, Ophelia unseals Lina and others' magic. They get the Sward of Light back and face their enemies. Lina tells them, she doesn't like their selfish attitude, and Ophelia agrees with her and opposes the old heads. Zerros, who was after Valgave, joins the battle and it gets chaotic. Lina damages Armeis' protector with Laguna Blade. Valgave restores the tremendous power of Ancient Dragon and easily injures Armeis. However, the power of Dragon and that of Evil counter-act inside of him, and he warps away in pain. Lina's party hits the road to stop Armeis' plan and to protect the world.Episode 61: FIRE AGAIN AND AGAIN! THE BATTLE CONTINUES ON THE BEACH.Lina's party hits the road to get Dark Star's weapons to stop Armeis' plan. They get to the countries, Alto and Baritone, which share the common border. That is because they have legendary weapons, which could be what they are looking for. However, a war breaks out between the two countries. They are fighting over each other's legendary weapon because the legend says, possessing the two weapons together will lead you to a new direction. Zerros casually touches the holy statue at a park, and it starts shining, possibly reacting to his magical power, and the townies are impressed. On the other hand, Lina and others are dodging the missiles with their magic. But one of the missals Lina brushed away destroys a castle. They are confused as terrorists and put into a jail. In Baritone, the queen is treating Zelgadis and others a meal. She asks them to steal the weapon from Alto, but Zelgadis refuses. Then the prince, Marco, asks them to steal their own weapon, so the war will be over.. In Alto, the princess, Sailor, asks Lina and others to steal their own weapon, too. The reason is, she can get together with Marco, though.. Lina and Zelgadis' parties steal the weapons and get together at an uninhabited island between the two countries. The kings find out that their weapons have been stolen and attack them . Then Grabos appears with a weapon..Episode 62: NARROW BREAK-THROUGH. A MAN PROVES HIS REAL STREHGTH.Lina's party is surrounded by the battle ships from the two countries and Grabos' force. Marco tries to break the weapon, saying there will not be a war if they do not have the weapons. The kings of both countries are startled.. Grabos attacks Marco and Sailor, but their weapons together erases the power of Grabos' weapon. Zerros says, the weapons are from the Evil War, and they can unify the Evil and Dragon powers. That could be the weapons to beat Valgave.. Grabos attacks Lina and Gourry, and blows away Marco and Sailor. When Marco and Sailor starts quarreling, Zilas appears to steal the weapons. The kings of the two countries get together to protect their children. On the other hand, Grabos' weapon causes a dimensional distortion. Zelgadis and Amelia use the weapons and break it because it was too powerful. Lina blows away Grabos with Drag Slay. The weapons have a bridge, connecting the two countries, appear over the ocean, which turns out to be what the legend meant. Lina's party hits the road to look for the last weapon.Episode 63: DESPARATE! A PURSUIT IN THE MAZE!Lina's party is lead to Mt. Cologne by a suspicious guide. He says there is a castle which gives you a mysterious power at the top of the mountain. Also, to enter the castle, they have to be paired by lot as a couple who get along. However, they do not really get along. The castle turns out be shaky and dark. The guide deliberately separates Gourry from the others in the dark while no one notices it. Lina and others find out it was a trap by Zilas who disguised himself as a guide. They can't fight Zilas the way they want because he planted mines underneath them. On the other hand, Gourry fights with Lizardmen over the Sward of Light. He gets it stolen because of a bunch of fake sward the Lizardmen prepared. When Lina and other are barely defending themselves, Gourry appears with the sward he regained. He steps on the mine although the others try to stop him. When the smoke clears, the Sward of Light is lying in front of Zilas. He runs away with it, and Lina and others chase him..Episode 64: A TOUCH AND GO SITUATION! WHO HAS THE SECRET?Lina's party chases Zilas into a labyrinth. Zilas tries to run ahead and attacks them with stalactites. Mad Lina uses one magic after another despite that they are in a cave. Zilas goes into a hidden door and gets away. Lina's party finds the door, goes in, and gets shocked to find out it's lead to Valgave's hideout. They meet with Zerros and separate into three parties. Zerros disappears. Zelgadis and Amelia lose their way, but find Zilas, and get the Sward back. Lina and Gourry find Armeis, curing himself in a capsule. Armeis notices that they don't have the Sward of Light and tells them that if Valgave gets it, he'll bring the Dark Star. He tells them his ultimate purpose is to defeat Dark Star, which stuns them. On the other hand, Zerros is meeting with Valgave, who is tortured by his Dragon power. Ophelia appears, hides, and hears Zerros say, "I came to get you on the Evil side."Episode 65: TEASING AND PERILOUS! TROUBLES ON A MYSTERIOUS ISLANDLina's party has come to Valgave's hideout, chasing Zilas who stole the Sward of Light. While they look for Zilas, Ophelia hears Zerros trying to scout Valgave in exchange for Lina's life. Since Zerros beat Garp who was separated from the Evil, there is no way Valgave will join them. Valgave attacks him with magic and a weapon. Armeis tells Lina and Gourry that his ultimate purpose is to defeat Dark Star, and that he used to serve Vilford(holy side), but Dark Star beat him, absorbed his power, and got out of control. He also tells them that the five weapons can reduce the power of Dark Star. Valgave is trying to destroy the world by bring Dark Star. Lina, Gourry and Armeis hear the sound of the battle, and rush there. Zerros falls in front of them. The truth is, Lina knew about Zerros' plan. Zelgadis and others join them with the Sward of Light, and they all face Valgave. However, Valgave is so strong, he gets the Sward of Light from Gourry, and by using two weapons, he warps Lina and others to the place where "the world destruction starts"...
- Episode 66 - 78
- Episode 66: COMMOTION! THE TERROR OF CURSED URN.Lina's party is taken to the Light Pole. There is an altar which Armeis made to bring Dark Star over. Valgave stands on it with his two weapons and shouts that he will perish everyone in the world. Lina and others try to stop him set the weapons on the altar, but nothing, even Drag Slay, works on him. Victorious Valgave lets the gate appear, then a Dark Star's magic spear appears and easily kills him. The gate increases its size. Armeis puts his energy into the disc on the altar for the last hope. Lina attacks Dark Star with Laguna Blade to gain time. Their powers are equal. Suddenly, Hook and Javelin appear on the altar. Armeis orders them to shut the gate. However, the aftereffects of Dark Star and Laguna Blade have almost destroyed the gate. When Lina puts more energy on Laguna Blade, the light surrounds the area and...Episode 67: INSTANT REMEDY! LOVE IS UNPREDICTABLE!Lina wakes up at a beach she's never seen before. There is no one around. Lina starts walking to look for others, and falls into a hole to a strange dimension. She meets a pig who calls himself, Pick. He takes her to a strange world. He tells her she is in a dimensional labyrinth, which was accidentally created by the battle between the fighters and the Evil long time ago. She goes into a room where there are a lot of dolls hanging from the ceiling. All the dolls are of the people she's met in the world. She goes into the king's room to see the master of the dolls. She sees Zelgadis there to her surprise. He was lost, too. Pick appears to reveal himself as the master. Lina and Zelgadis press him to bring them back to their world, but he pretends not to know how. Lina gets mad and uses Drag Slay although Zelgadis tries to stop her. Behind the collapsed wall is a long line of people. They also see Ophelis in the line. The place happens to be a fashionable theme park. Lina and Zelgadis stand there, stunned..Episode 68: HOW APPROPRIATE! MAELIA GOES IN A VILLAGE OF JUSTICE!Ophelia's fortunetelling tells Lina and Zelgadis that Gourry and others are on an island elsewhere, so they go to a harbor. They are told, there is no ship setting off because it happens to be the night when a ghost ship comes in. They borrow a shabby ship and set out to the ocean but water starts coming in, and they get on a gorgeous ship which happens to pass by... They meet a man, named Vaseski, who has been confined into a vase by ghosts. He finds out Lina and others can use magic and asks them to get rid of the ghosts in exchange for an expensive pottery. Ophelia finds a ship's log and gets surprised to learn that the captain forced a sailor, Ramiles, to wipe his favorite vase, and the captain caused a shipwreck. Lina and Zelgadis get rid of all the ghosts they encounter. Lina finally beats the ghost's boss, Ramiles, not listening to Ophelia's protest. The captain turns back to human and apologizes to worn-out Ramiles. However, he doesn't forgive him because the captain was the cause of the shipwreck. Ophelia helps Ramiles rest in peace. Also, the captain turns into a ghost... At the same time, the ship and the pottery disappear..Episode 69: STUNNING! THE SECRET MAGIC CHANGE A HUMAN TO A MERMAID!?Amelia wakes up to see Nunsa-like monsters, the mixture of fish and human, Layla(daughter) and Horner(father), taking care of her. They found her on a beach and saved her. The same night, Amelia sees Layla sneak out to see her human boyfriend, Karale. Horner comes over to separate them. Amelia cuts in and asks why he doesn't approve of their relationship. He tells her, he's been in a cross-cultural relationship but it didn't work out. Layla and Karale have set their mind on going through the hardship together. Hormer's touched by their enthusiasm and tells them the only secret to make it work. It is difficult because you have to offer a sacrifice of a beautiful princess to the guardian. Then other Nunsa-like monsters bring in Gourry. Amelia and others plan to put him in a mermaid costume to have the guardian appear. A giant sea-snake-like guardian appears with the secret fruit. While Amelia and Gourry fool him, Layla gets the fruit. The secret turns out to be the medicine to turn a human into the mixture of fish and human, and not the other way around. Determined Karale takes it and turns into the mixture of fish and human. Amelia and Gourry are stunned by the weird ending..Episode 70: THE RIGHT PERSON AT THE RIGHT PLACE! AN INCIDENT IN THE VILLAGE CALLED JUSTICEWhile Gourry and Amelia look for Lina and others, they practice posing as ambassadors of justice... Dai, Reika and Gen, who call themselves as "the Cosmos Fighter, Peacemakers," appear. They are old folks. They take Gourry and Amelia to Absolute Justice Research Center where the old people who love justice gather. They tell them there are demons that appeared in a prohibited land, and they ask them to join them to beat the demons. They head to the prohibited land, and on the way, they fight a low-level battle with Dwarfs and child Dragons. They turn out to be the old folks' friends and pets later.. They do find demons though, which sit on the prohibited grass, Lina and others.. They have been waiting for Gourry and Amelia for days, following Ophelia's fortunetelling. Dai and others call them demons without restraints, and Lina and Ophelia get mad..Episode 71: THIS IS HOW ZILAS SHOULD LIVE A LIFE.After a transient of joy for getting together, Lina's party tears their hair out over a pile of problems. What happened to Armeis and others? Who are Hook and Javelin? They head to the Light Pole to see what happened to the gate. They face a problem at Valgave's hideout. They don't know how to operate the warping device to the Light Pole. On the other hand, inside the Light Pole, Armeis, Hook, Javelin, and Zerros succeed in finding out where the last weapon of Dark Star is by the means of ritual. Javelin releases a bunch of monsters to destroy the path to the weapon. On the other hand, Zilas is crying in front of the tomb of Grabos. He was staying with Pal and his mother, Erina, at a ranch. However, the ranch is on the path to the weapon, and gets destroyed by the monsters. Lina comes over and tells outraged Zilas of the death of Valgave. The monsters start destroying the town as if they are possessed by something. Javelin senses their weirdness, comes to town, and attacks Lina's party who are trying to defend the town. Lina and others fight a hard battle since magic doesn't work on Javelin. Outraged Zilas catches up, throws a giant bomb to avenge the death of Grabos and Valgave, and makes a huge crater in the town. A mysterious stone board appears at the bottom of it. It seems the monsters reacted to it, but the reason is unknown.. Zilas leaves to revenge Valgave and Grabos' death.Episode 72: DESCENT OF A HERO? FOR WHOM A GIRL PRAY?Hook and Javelin released the monsters to look for the last weapon, but the monsters disappeared. They go to the mining town to find out the cause. Hook stops Javelin who tries to blow away the town, and tells him to collect data. A flower girl, Anna, sees it, gets the impression that Hook is the hero who saves the town, and hands him a flower. Lina's party gets there, following Ophelia's fortune-telling. Javelin attacks them. Hook senses the existence of some kind of underground barrier and stops him. Is Hook the hero as Anna believes? However, Hook throws a strong energy missile at Lina and others. It blows a mine away in a moment. At the bottom of the crater, which was created, lie a stone board which shows the weapon is near. Javelin retreats because of his time limit. Hook looks at the flower Anna gave him. The town collapses and flows down on the stream of ground water, which came out after the blow. However, flowers start blooming at Anna's flower garden. Also, the dried land will be reborn as a rich land. Did Hook destroy the mine for this? Can Lina and others beat these powerful guys?Episode 73: THE ULTIMATE WEAPON!? INTO THE SHRINE OF TRAGEDY.Ophelia's fortune-telling leads Lina's party to the area where a snowstorm blows. They find a castle which is made with ice. The gate is sealed by Dragon tribe's barrier. They find out, it belonged to the Ancient Dragon tribe, and the truth about why they perished. The Ancient Dragon did not participate in the Evil war because they thought their secret weapon, Galvera, will destroy the world. However, the Gold Dragon tribe perished them in the name of world peace. Ophelia gets outraged to learn the truth. Then Javelin and Hook attack Lina's party to get the weapon. There are still many barriers inside of the castle. Lina and others stop the attack at the gate, trying to let Ophelia go deep into the castle. Ophelia breaks the seal one after another without knowing Zerros is behind her. Armeis appears in front of Zerros. Javelin and Hook press Lina and others. There appear a bunch of Gold Dragons. Ophelia gets to the altar in the holy chapel, and gets shocked to see the old head of Gold Dragon stand there.Episode 74: BATTLE AT THE SHTINE.Ophelia, Zerros and Armeis are surprised to find the oldest master in front of the shrine. The oldest master knew the ultimate weapon is hidden in the shrine. Zerros and Armeis can not break through the last barrier to the shrine. Zerros, taking Ophelia as a hostage, demands the oldest master to take out the barrier. But the oldest master determines to protect the peace of the world at any risk. In the mean time, at the entrance of the shrine, the army of Gold Dragons is beaten by the Elrogoss' warriors. To stop the massacre, the ultimate weapon is needed. Lina and her friends walk deep into the shrine. Zerros presses the oldest master to destroy the barrier. It was created by the Ancient Dragon. But, the reason why it was perished is not the same that Ophelia sees through the oldest master's mind image. Lina runs in and stop Zerros. While Gourry and the oldest master push Zerros and Armeis backward, Lina breaks the barrier with her Lagna-Blade. She gets hold of the ultimate weapon; Galvera (the bow). Lina shoots it at Armeis when he attacks her fiercely. The power of this weapon is devastating. Armeis stumbles and he is stabbed by a messenger demon of Nicolgoss. Now, Lina is challenged by Elrogoss At that moment, Zerros snatches the Galvera.Episode 75: NO USE TALKING! PREPARE FOR THE DECISIVE BATTLE!In the struggle for the ultimate weapon, many Gold Dragons were killed. Lina and her friends bury them. She is furious at Elrogoss who stops at nothing attain his desire. She swears she will never forget the tragic history with the jewel of the Ancient Dragon in her hand. Lina and her friends part from the oldest master and head for the moving machine in Valgave's hideout. They are stunned by Zilas's suicidal attack, but, Ophelia talks him down. Zilas believes Ophelia is his life savior and guide them to the moving machine. However, the machine can not get through the shield. So, Ophelia transforms herself into a dragon and carry the party on her back toward the pole of light. In the mean time, at the site of light pole, Zerros is engaged in a battle with Elrogoss in the alter. Zerros wants to close the gate as he believes it is his role to destroy this world. Watching Zerros and Elrogoss, Shirius, who is taking the neutral position, finds the answer finally "Both world have the equal value. I destroys the Darkstar in order to save them!" Then, Shirius breaks the barrier of the alter. The gate begins to open in the stormy sea.Episode 76: TOTALLY UNEXPECTED! THE FORBIDDEN GATE IS OPENED!Lina and her party rush to the light pole. Above them, the enormous darkness is swirling in the widening gate. If the gate fully opens, the Darkstar revives in his immaculate shape. He would smash the both worlds into pieces. Elrogoss presses Shirius. "Don't you want to save our world?" Then, Lina and her friend appear. Shirius makes his decision to destroy Darkstar with Lina's help. Lina, Shiruis and Lina's friends take five powerful weapons. Elrogoss can not understand why Lina and her friends risk their lives in the battle against the Satan of the darkness. Lina replied cheerfully, "We wouldn't be able to sleep well if we abandon your world!" With 5 powerful weapons, Lina and her buddies succeed to cut the strength of Darkstar. But, they can not give a damage to Darkstar after several attacks. Suddenly, Darkstar flies away like a bullet. He heads for the shrine of Fire Dragon. Darkstar is engulfed in the flashing light. Then, everybody is stunned to see Valgave coming out! He was dead, wasn't he?Episode 77: THE MAN COMING OUT OF THE DARK STAR.Valgave did not die though he is burned by Darkstar. Darkstar is the unified existance of darkness and Volfield the God. Valgave possesses the power of dragon and devil. Are they close to each other? Or, is it Galvave's tenecity? Valgave burns the oldest master and the shrine of Fire Dragon. Lina and her friends attack him with five weapons, but, in vain. Valgave declares that the purification and rejuvenation of the world is the desire of Darkstar and Valgave. He adds "Any one repents more or less the way he lived. I start it again." Ophelia and Zilas try to stop Valgave. But, Valgave's mind does not change._Lina says that a man would make the same mistakes even if he resurrects and that he wishes to live on because he would heal them up and make his life better. Any words are useless. Darkstar's aura runs amok. The gate begins widening again.Episode 78: TRY AGAIN! EVERYTHING IS BACK INTO THE BRILLIANT LIGHT!!Darkstar tries to get back the power absorbed by Valgave. Shirius attacks Valgave still struggling with Darkstar. Yet, no damage again. Then, Elrogoss disapperas into the sparkling light. Ophelia prays and murmurs that the oracle of destruction. While Valgave resists Darkstar, a warp grows. And the "summon" gate comes out of the warp. Lina and her friends realize how urgent the situation is. But, Ophelia can not abandon Valgave. Lina knows it is the time for everybody else to make a decision. Otherwise, they can not save the world. They form up the shield of light with their five weapons to protect them from Valgave's attack. Zerros and Ophelia give Lina the supreme magic; unification of God and Demon. With the ultimate weapon, Galvera in her hand, Lina recites the oracle of destruction. The bow of powerful light sent by Lina penetrates Valgave and the summon gate. Valgave and the gate are disappearing. Then, the white feather is coming down from the sky. It turns into a little egg. It is the transmigration of Valgave. Lina and her friends set out for a new journey, leaving five weapons to Shirius. Ophelia holds the egg in her hand.
78 half-hour episodes
Based on the story and characters created by Hajime Kanzaka and Rui Araizumi