On a highway in the remote countryside, a young girl named Lina is surrounded by bandits. She chuckles herself, knowing that they are no match for her sorcery and skills with the sword. But before she can even draw her weapon, a brash young swordsman, Gourry, appears and scatters the bandits with his remarkable swordsmanship, causing them to drop their trove of stolen goods. Gourry is disappointed upon realizing that Lina is just merely a girl and not a beautiful maiden, nertheless, the two set off together.
Reaching the nearest town, Lina attempts to sell the bandits' loot at an inflated price and incurs the wrath of a local dealer, Saltandis, who vows to take the treasure by force. His chance to steal the treasure arises when Lina becomes ill and looses her powers of sorcery. Gourry and Lina are cornered by Saltandis' evil soldiers. They are rescued at the last minute by Rezo, the Red Monk. Rezo is one of the legendary "Five Sages."
From Rezo, Gourry and Lina learn that Saltandis is much more than what he seems. He is attempting to revive an ancient evil power known as Satan Shabrani-Goodoo! The power of his ancient necromancer is enormous.
Can Lina and Gourry stop the reign of evil an protect the people of their realm? Don't miss even one exciting episode of THE Slayers!
- Episode 1 - 13
- Episode 1: WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SORCERESS I AM!Lina Inverse is sweet sixteen on her solitary journey to Atlas City. Not many people know that she is a powerful sorceress and at the same time a great swordswoman. Today, as any day of her journey, she is surrounded by bandits, ready to take them down. But, before she moves, a blond mercenary swordsman Gourry appears, and single-handedly drives away the bandits. That's how they become travel companions. Lina and Gourry are asked to exterminate the dragon threatening a small village. Having no reason to refuse, Lina takes on the job despite Gourry's dissuasion. Intimidated by the dragon, Lina gets outraged. She invokes the most powerful incantation "Dragon Slay," and vanquishes the beast by a huge blast! Peace is restored to the village... at least what was left of it. She unconsciously blew out the whole village and has to run away from angry villagers.Episode 2: I'VE NO TASTE FOR A MUMMY!Lina and Gourry go to a Magic shop in town to sell the treasures that Lina snatched from the bandits. However one of the booty, a knife is cursed, and it turns the shopkeeper violent and a hullabaloo starts. Lina and Gourry fight a hard battle but the chaos is brought to a sudden death by a single "bark" of the shopkeeper's wife. While they are relieved, a mummy called Zolf, attacks our heroes with the evil trolls. He is looking for one of the items Lina possesses. Lina and Gourry fight their way but on the same evening Zolf shows up to their room again with a mysterious person.Episode 3: THE WHITE, THE RED AND THE STRANGE!!The man who Zolf brought in, is called Zelgadis, a mixture of human, golem and demon a creation of utter evil. He offers to buy Lina's booty at her naming price, but Lina gives him an outrageous price and drives him away. Having not given up, Zelgadis comes back to take Lina's booty by force. Lina is hurt and thrown into a pinch. She is saved by the man called Rezo, the legendary great sage alias "the red priest." Rezo warns Lina that Zelgadis wants to resurrect the Satan "Shabranigoodoo" the demon king, and mysteriously disappears...Episode 4: PANIC! THE SORCERY POWER IS VANISHED.Lina and Gourry start investigating the way to stop Shabranigoodoo's resurrection. But why is Zelgadis trying to revive the Demon Lord? On the other hand, the great sage, the red priest Rezo cannot easily be trusted. The situation is getting more complicated. All of a sudden, Lina finds she can't use her sorcery. She'd be easily beaten if the villains come up now. And of course, Zelgadis and his men come to attack. Lina narrowly escapes and splits with Gourry. But, ambushed by Zelgadis, she is captured.Episode 5: RUN FOR IT! THE MERMAN'S ATTACKLina is confined into Zelgadis' hideout. To her surprise, the one who helped her to escape is Zelgadis himself. He runs away with Lina from his men but never tells her the reason for it. Then, Nunsa, a monster of mixture of half-fish and half-human appears and drags Lina into a lake. Lina hasn't regained her magical power. She fights a hard battle with Nunsa in the water. Finally, thanks to Zelgadis' idea, Lina turns Nunsa a grilled fish, and gets out of the danger. While they take a break, the red priest Rezo appears..Episode 6: BEHOLD! FOCUS ON THE REAL ENEMYThe red priest Rezo suddenly appears in front of Lina and calls Zelgadis a traitor. Lina is surprised to know the relationship between the two. She also learns that Zelgadis is a synthetic human with the skin of rock, created by Rezo's evil experiment. Zelgadis has a grudge against him for it and revolted against him. Lina and Zelgadis barely find their way out, but Rezo's men attack them one after another. In the battle, Zelgadis tells Lina that Rezo needs the incantation of "the Stone of Wisdom" which Lina possess to heal his eyes. But what is the incantation of "the Stone of Wisdom"..?Episode 7: NO SURRENDER! THE LEGENDARY SWORD OF LIGHTUnder the villains' ceaseless attack, Lina and Zelgadis have no time to rest. Besides Rezo begins to summon the demons to capture them. Outnumbered by the enemies, Lina and Zelgadis get into a pinch. Then, suddenly a shining knight pops up. It's Gourry who has been looking for Lina. He draws his ancestral sword; "the Sword Of Light" and slashes the fiends. And Zolf and Rodimas, two loyal followers of Zelgadis come to help them, our heroes shake off Rezo and his band.Episode 8: LOOK OUT! SHABRANI-GOODOO IS ALIVE.While taking a rest in a village, Gourry and Zelgadis start a fight over "the Stone of Wisdom." Lina calms them down, but they get more hostile to each other. Then they receive a message from Rezo, saying that unless they give "the Stone of Wisdom" to him, he will turn all the villagers into stones. Having no choice, Lina and others go to meet Rezo. Lina has no intention to give the Stone to Rezo as she knows that the red priest is scheming to resurrect the Satan. So Rezo hypnotizes Zelgadis and makes him rob the Stone. And behold! The power of the Stone revives the Dark Lord, Shabranigoodoo...Episode 9: BE PREPARED! THE NIGHT BEFORE THE DECISIVE BATTLERezo succeeds to resurrects the Dark Lord, Shabranigoodoo but his body is taken over by the Dark Lord against his plan. Zolf and Rodimas recklessly challenge Shabranigoodoo, but no match to the power of the Dark Lord. All Lina and others can do is to run for life from the ferocious demon. Shabranigoodoo's evil power spreads out to surrounding areas. The weather turns abnormal and monsters get wild. Seeing the monsters attack the village, Lina and others decide to fight back.Episode 10: HIT THE JACKPOT!Lina and others challenge the Dark Lord, Shabranigoodoo. He's so powerful and no magic works on him. Gourry is knocked down unconscious. Zelgadis is struck hard. Then, Lina finds out that "the Sword Of Light" increases the power of her sorcery. In reliance on it, Lina challenges Shabranigoodoo with the truly most powerful incantation, "Giga Slay" which is superior to "Dragon Slay." She realizes that Rezo is still inside Shabranigoodoo. In the final moment, Rezo gets away from the body of Shabranigoodoo and finally, Lina's "Giga Slay" smashes the Dark Lord.Episode 11: NASTY! TROUBLE OF A ROYAL FAMILYAfter destroying Shabranigoodoo, Lina and others continue their journey. They hear a rumor about the first successor to the throne, the prince of Sayloon Kingdom. Lina dreams of a marriage with a wealthy young man, but the prince turns out to be a forty-something gloomy-looking man. Phil, the prince, offers a bodyguard job to discouraged Lina. Lina reluctantly accepts the offer. Then Randy, the third successor to the throne, appears with his loyal subordinate, Brassdamon. Randy is said to plot to kill Prince Philip. Lina, then meets Amelia, the daughter of Phil, who is self-professed "the Lady of Justice." Amelia swears to punish Randy for justice. And she does! Amelia slashes Randy with the help of her father, Phil before Lina gets to her sword. Lina wonders why they hired Lina as a bodyguard in the first place...?Episode 12: LOOK! AMERIA'S STUNNING TRAININGLina's magic, "Dragon Slay" works tremendously well on the bandits today. Impressed Amelia insists on learning Lina's sorcery. Born reckless, Amelia would cause a lot of trouble if she learned a powerful incantation. So Lina orders hard training to Amelia, the training that has nothing to do with the sorcery. Impressed by Amelia's enthusiasm, Phil asks Lina to show "Dragon Slay." Lina's incantation breaks the seal of ghosts and throws the Kingdom into a chaos. Lina, not really good at white magic, fights a hard battle with the ghosts, and just when they think the Kingdom is going to be destroyed, Amelia saves it with her white magic. Amelia then learns she doesn't have to practice a powerful incantation.Episode 13: JUSTICE AND PRIZELina, Gourry and Amelia finally arrive in Sayloon and see the poster of "the Wanted." To their surprise, "the Wanted" are Lina and Gourry. Amelia, "the Lady of Justice" captures them, saying that she just carries out her holy mission. Lina and Gourry are handed to two bounty hunters, Zangles and Vilmgun. After sealing Lina's magic and taking away Gourry's swords, they put our heroes in jail. But Lina and Gourry somehow manage to escape. Outraged Lina and Gourry challenge the booty hunters. They are cornered by strong counter-attack of Zangales and Vilmgun. Amelia, dismayed in judging who are good and who are not, manipulates a strong incantation, saying "whoever stays alive is good!" and blows up the entire area. Lina and Gourry barely survive it, and continue their journey to Saylague where they are told the person responsible for "the Wanted" poster is.
- Episode 14 - 26
- Episode 14: BE CAREFUL! INVITATION TO DISASTER!Lina and her friends are still chased by the bounty hunters as usual. They try to outrun the pursuers in the mountains, but no avail. Our heroes have no time for a meal. Their empty stomachs lead them into a cave where the smell of food is coming from. But it is a trap planted by Zangles and Vilmgun.. Our heroes narrowly escape from the cave and go down on a raft in a rapid stream. Zangles and Vilmgun try to catch on, but finally Lina's magic knocks them out and the pursuers are thrown into the water.Episode 15: OH MY GOD! LINA'S WEDDING RHAPSODYOn their rushing way to Saylague, Lina and her friends meet a young man named Harris. He asks Lina to be his bride for his false marriage because he's been forced by a witch called Carry to marry her daughter. Lina reluctantly accepts his request and attends at a false wedding ceremony with Harris, but then Zangles and Vilmgun jump in. The ceremony is in a chaos. Lina has to fight in a wedding dress. While Carry and Vilmgun fight against each other, Lina recites a incantation and wins the battle. Lina blew up Harris' house in the battle by accident, and doesn't get paid a fee from Harris .Episode 16: CRAZY PASSION! DEDICATION OF OUR YOUTH TO A STAGE PLAY?The journey to Saylague continues. threesome slips into a touring company that they come across on the road. However, the head of the touring company forces them to go up on the stage. To make the matter worse, the title of the show is "Lina , the Evil Sorceress versus a little girl of Justice." Amelia is chosen for the girl and Lina and Gourry are given the costumes of dragon. After a series of rehearsals, the curtain goes up, but again, Zangles and Vilmgun jump in. The show turns into a mess. Lina and her friends drive the bounty hunters away. The audience think that the fight is a part of the show and give them a big applause, making the head happy.Episode 17: QUESTION!? DID A MAN PROPOSE TO GOURRY?Lina, Gourry and Amelia is getting closer to Saylague. In order to outrun the tenacious pursuers they try to get on a ship, but the ship is watched by the bounty hunters. Gourry dresses up in woman's cloth and threesome gets on the ship as the sisters. On the ship, Moran, a man who is self-professed "Braveheart", proposes to Gourry. Gourry freaks out while Lina and Amelia laugh their butt off. Then the dragon raving this area attacks the ship. The ship turns back to the harbor. Lina fights a fierce battle with the dragon and smashes it finally, leaving the legend of "the Celestial Maiden who saved folks" behind. The next day when Lina and her friends get on the ship, Moran shows up again. Gourry is not in the woman's cloth this time, but Moran says he does not care and persistently comes on to him...!Episode 18: GET BACK! REZO, THE RED MONK RETURNS.Threesome finally gets to Saylague. They sneak into the town in the darkness of the night, and rest in the house of Shilfeel, a friend of Gourry. There they hear the rumor about the woman who seems to be responsible for the incident of "the Wanted." They break into the hideout of the woman only to be ambushed by familiar Zangles and Vilmgun and one more villain ,their boss, Eris. Lina slashes Vilmgun, but then she faces a man who has exact the same as Vilmgun. Vilmgun's true self turns out to be a clone created by Eris. When Lina is cornered by another Vilmgun, Zelgadis comes up gallantly and saves her. Is the tide in favor of our heroes? No, not yet. A man appears in front of them. It is Rezo who Lina thinks she destroyed for a long time ago.Episode 19: WHAT A SHOCK! THE TOWN IS DESTROYED!Lina and her friends are shocked to see Rezo coming back alive. At the same time, they suspect that Rezo could be a clone like Vilmgun, too. They go to the Sorcery Church to get more information about the clones but find nothing. Then, Rezo appears again and attacks them with the same power as he used to have. The red priest tries to take "the Sword Of Light" from Gourry. While our heroes straggles to escape, the whole town is engulfed in fire by Rezo's powerful incantation!Episode 20: TROUBLE AGAIN! THE MERMAN TURNS BACK!Reciting numerous incantations for self-defense, Lina and her friends put up with Rezo's fierce attack. But Rezo's powerful black magic destroys half of the town. Yet, our heroes manages to flee. They have to find a way to destroy Rezo. They head for the institute where Rezo used to experiment his magic. Rezo, still not in a perfect shape, need rest. He sends Rafanim, a monster of half-human and half-fish to stop our heroes. Lina and her friends battle with Rahanim accompanied by Zangles. Lina chops Rafanim in half and our heroes get out of a pinch. They finally reach the Rezo's institute.Episode 21: UPSET! GOURRY VS. ZANGLESLina, Gourry, Amelia and Shilfeel get to Rezo's museum. They break the seal by the "Sword Of Light," and look for Rezo's secret in the underground chamber. They are caught in a trap set by Eris, and are separated. While Lina is looking for Gourry and Amelia, Shilfeel asks her the relationship between her and Gourry. She tries not to show any feeling for Gourry other than a mere friendship. In the meantime, Gourry is in the middle of man-to-man battle with Zangles. He is cornered by the strong opponent, but he exerts the full force of his "Sword Of Light" and destroys Zangales.Episode 22: VICE! THE STINKY THINGS LEFT BEHINDLina and her friends rush to the lowest level of Rezo's institute. Tiva, the demon who has been guarding the institute get on their way. Tiva is easily beaten by Lina as his magic was sealed by Rezo. Tiva guides our heroes to the lowest level. They break the last seal and go into the laboratory filled with junks. They look for Rezo's secret, but have no clue what is what. Then Tiva pulls out a mask which enfolds his magic power sealed by Rezo. Tiva regains his power and attacks Lina and her friends. Tiva's evil magic is too powerful to destroy. But they find a book entitled "A copy of Claire Bible." All the Rezo's secrets are written in this book. Our heroes manage to crush Tiva with the force of book.Episode 23: SCARED! ELIS'S TENACIOUS.Rezo's secret is revealed in the book found in his institute. It is too early to toast. Rezo and Eris storm into the institute. Rezo has atrocious power. Lina finds this Rezo is a clone with the control device on his forehead. Eris is also fierce. Two fiends take the book of secrets back and in a split second, attach the control device on Gourry. While Lina and Amelia are busy to hold wild Gourry, Rezo and Eris break Rezo's seal and create Zanaffer, the satanic beast. Eris is excited to find Rezo's inheritance. Then, the clone Rezo attacks Eris. When the clone is out of Eris's control, it is awakened to his self-conscious, and resists the master.Episode 24: X-DAY! THE RETURN OF SUPERMONSTER!Relieved from Eris's control, the clone Rezo assaults Lina and her friends at his own will. The clone gets the power of Zanaffer, the satanic beast and wants to prove his new strength. He challenges Lina's "Giga slay". Lina is almost provoked into working this powerful magic unless Shilfeel stops her. It might destroy the world when it gets out of control. The clone jumps at Shilfeel. Trying to cover her friend, Lina takes the clone's tremendous blow.Episode 25: THE LAST RESORT! THIS IS THE BLESSED BLADE.Struck by the clone Rezo's blow, Lina is injured. Her friends try to help Lina escape, but even the power of "Sword Of Light" doesn't work on the clone. Prince Philip, Amelia's father, jumps in to help them out, but he is no match for the clone Rezo. Our heroes escape into the basement of "the Sacred Tree", where Lina has already entered before them. Lina is completely healed thanks to Shilfeel's incantation of "Cure" and the power of "Brass Blade" found there. She stands up again to face the clone Rezo with the "Brass Blade" in her hand.Episode 26: ZAP! VICTORY IS MINE!In order to have Lina and her friends come out, the clone Rezo attacks the town of Saylague. Gourry fights back with his "Sword Of Light" and the others uses the magic incantations. Though they fight a close battle, they don't have the decisive weapon. They get into a pinch. Just in the nick of time, Lina appears with the "Brass Blade" in her hand. The friends are encouraged by recuperated Lina and together our heroes chase the clone Rezo to the corner. The "Brass Blade" absorbs the evil spirit out of the clone Rezo, but he never gives in. When the clone attacks with all the strength at the last time, Lina blows him away with raging power of "Dragon Slay."
78 half-hour episodes
Based on the story and characters created by Hajime Kanzaka and Rui Araizumi