Since the recent disappearance of 8 Man, a mysterious cyborg super hero created by Professor Tani, the city reels under "terrorist" assaults from murderous drug-crazed street gangs.
Meanwhile, Hazuma, an ex-cop who now runs his own detective agency, is hired to track down a missing scientist alleged to have made off with cybernetics from Professor Tani's laboratory. The missing hardware is reappearing as psycho-activated weapons grafted onto the bodies of the rogue "cyper-junkies." During his investigation Hazuma is brutally murdered.
Dr. Tani uses Hazuma as a bio-template to replace the missing 8 Man. As a cover, 8 Man maintains the original persona of the detective, yet must cope with the duality of the cynical private eye and maintain the balance as an emotionless super-android hero.
Based on the popular 1960's Japanese comic book and animation hero, 8 MAN AFTER draws from Kazumasa Hirai and Jiro Kuwata's original Science Fiction adventure to create a bold new super hero that embodies the essence of Philip K. Dick, with the persona of Philip Marlowe.
Animated Series of Four 29 minute episodes
Produced by ACT Co., Ltd. in association with Streamline Enterprises, Inc.
©1993 Kazumasa Hirai/Jiro Kuwata/ACT Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved