Young Audience Family

The world of insects is full of enchantment and amazement. This animation series is inspired by "the Diary of Insects" written by Jean Henri Fabre, an outstanding French entomologist and author in the 19th Century. In his original works, Mr. Fabre vividly described the life of insects. In this series all the insects and bugs have been personified and drawn into marvelous animated characters.
This is the story of the exciting adventures of a crime-buster in the world of insects! Our hero's way of investigation is so unique and always ends with surprising solutions. The interesting ecology of various insects will be described while our 'cool' hero, Inspector Fabre, analyzes and unties the knots of crimes and conspiracy a la fashion of Sherlock Holmes!

Inspector Fabre:
A private detective and an intelligent entomologist. Although Mr. Fabre looks shabby and 'dumb,' he has a clever mind that produces brilliant analysis and solutions of crime cases. He thinks his parents were tricked by Baron Spider and subsequently went bankrupt. While working on crime investigations, he never stops watching Baron Spider's moves.
André Boyer; Baron Spider:
He is not only a professor of a university. André Boyer is a handsome and smart guy reigning not only in high society but also in the political world and financial circles. Behind the flamboyant figure in the high society, he is a merciless kingpin of a crime organization hidden in the underground.
A beautiful daughter of the owner of a lodging house. Baron Spider wheedles her honest parents to agree to the engagement of Charlotte. However, she finds what Baron Spider really is and runs into Mr. Fabre's office and becomes the detective's assistant.
A self-professed assistant of Mr. Fabre. Gonza comes from Asia for the World Festival and meets Mr. Fabre. He has great respect for the detective and shows no hesitation to risk his life for Mr. Fabre.
The 'foolhardy' Chief Inspector of Police. He notices there might be a link between Baron Spider and the crime organization in a couple of incidents. Since then, he is trying to find concrete evidence.
Episode Synopsis
please click episode number to read episode.

Format: 26 episodes X 25 minutes
Developed and Produced By: Enoki Films Co., Ltd.
Worlwide Distribution By: Enoki Films USA, Inc.


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