We begin our adventure by the banks of the Mississippi River, where we see life through the eyes of a young boy named Huck Finn. Huck is a resourceful and spirited lad who knows how to survive on his own. He flees his father, and travels with Jim (a runaway black boy). He learns much about life from Jim.
Tom Sawyer is a mischevieous adventure hungry boy who has a zest for life. He's a true romantic at heart, but not above a little trickery to get his own way, or to get out of work.
Tom's life really starts to become complicated when he meets Huck. Together with Jim, they begin a series of adventures.
This exciting series is based on the novels "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," by Mark Twain, (Samuel Clemons). They stand as timeless adventure stories filled with excitement, romance, action and laced with universal truths and lessons that appeal to all ages.
Format: 26 half-hour episodes
Produced by: Enoki Films Co., Ltd.